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 The history of our country is written by each of us - letter by letter, word by word. Every story we live, every day spent on or away from this territory, makes up what will later be history. The history of a country is not a sterile notion, created in scientific laboratories - it is what each of us lives today, here and now.
Through this campaign we want to bring each of us in the front line, to take back the power we have in society, to remind ourselves that even if we are ordinary people – we are the one who influence the life of this country regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex, age, religion, social status.
Every story counts. We count.

June 15, Tuesday

13:00 – 14:00
"Moldova Pride" Opening Ceremony
The opening is symbolized by the raising of the Moldova Pride flag on the flagpole in the
courtyard of the office of the Information Centre GENDERDOC-M. As well as last year, despite
the pandemic, the ceremony will take place offline in the presence of a limited number of people
(only employees and Board members of the organization) with a Live Stream on
organizational social networks.
Also, on the opening day of Pride, video messages from Ambassadors and representatives
of LGBT+ friendly embassies will be accessible online.

June 16, Wednesday

13:00 - 14:00 Anti-Awards ”Enameled Bowl”
The Anti-Awards will be handed out to the public figures and opinion leaders who have repeatedly and actively expressed their positions against the equality of LGBT+ rights in the Republic of Moldova. 
Live Stream will be available on organizational social networks.

June 17, Thursday

17:00 - 19:00 Conference on Mental Health (part I)
The aim of the conference is to discuss the mental health issues that LGBT+ people and LGBT+
activists face in their everyday life, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. The conference is
organized in the framework of the “Eastern European Coalition for LGBT Equality”. 
Live Stream will be available on organizational social networks.

June 18, Friday

17:00 - 19:00 Conference on Mental Health (part II)
Live Stream will be available on organizational social networks.

June 19, Saturday

10:00 - 19:15 Pride Park
Pride Park is a public space free of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, for communication
and music, with various cultural and information activities, seminars and discussions, that will
take place online. The program will last all day, the events will be broadcasted live on the
Facebook page of the organization, and the recordings will also be published on other social
media pages later.

The program will include the following entertainment and informational activities:

10:00-10:30 Culinary workshop
11:00-12:15 A storytelling webinar: this webinar will be conducted by Leo Zbanke - film director, screenwriter, psychologist, LGBT+ activist, author of trainings on: storytelling, audiovisual tools, media literacy. For the last five years they have been working as a trainer throughout Europe within the programs of the Council of Europe - Erasmus+. The webinar is aimed at both the people who would like to improve their skills in public speaking, as well as those who would like to use social media for speaking about their identities/other social LGBTQI-related topics.
12:30-13:10 Contemporary body wave with Serghei Golovnea 
13:40-14:40 Musical pause - HRISTINA, art-pop from Moscow
14:40-16:00 Intersecting identities: discussion with queer Roma people from Romania
and Ukraine. Often many queer Roma either erase their ethnic identity around other
LGBTQ + people, for fear of being avoided, or give up their queer side, because in no case
can they reveal it in their home community if they want to remain part of it. How do those
who decide to be open live, moreover, get involved in the work of civic activism, resisting
We will talk to Antonella Lerca Duda (Romania), Julio Elvisey Pisică (Romania) and
Aliona Kazanska (Ukraine).

16:00-17:00 An open discussion with LGBTQI+ community members from
Moldovan diaspora: “What can we do together for the development of LGBTQI+
movement in Moldova?”. With this event, we aim to involve active members of the
community that left the country, but are willing to contribute to local activism, as for many it is much safer to do so, while not living in Moldova.
17:15-18:15  A discussion on bullying between the members of the support group for parents of LGBTQ+ people and the members of “Parinti Solidari” group. Bullying is the main problem that LGBTQI+ adolescents face in different areas of their lives, but especially in schools, and it is the issue that parents from the support group would like to focus their activism on.
18:30-19:15  A quiz on important and memorable events and people related to the queer community in Moldova and beyond.
23:00 – 04:00 PrEParty - Be prepared_for your party
PrEParty is aimed at informing and educating about sexual health in a fun and entertaining way.
During the party, short video spots will be shared on STDs and services of the Health Program of GENDERDOC-M will be promoted, especially the possibility to get pre-exposure prophylaxis medicine that is used for HIV prevention. 
This party will be organized online and will involve 3 DJs.

June 20, Sunday

12:00 - 13:00 Solidarity March "I’m Ok"
This year the Solidarity March will take place, as in the previous year, online. While waiting for
the good times, when we will be able to go out on the streets together again, we come up with a
solution - a march in graphic video format, in which everyone will be able to participate.